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Re: Microsoft to drop Linux, Unix versions of enterprise search

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____/ Richard Rasker on Monday 08 Feb 2010 08:04 : \____

> http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/technology/microsoft-to-drop-linux-unix-versions-of-enterprise-search
>  "Microsoft will no longer offer Linux or Unix versions of its enterprise
>   search products after a wave of releases set to ship in the first half of
>   this year, the company announced in an official blog post on Thursday.
>   After Microsoft bought Fast Search & Transfer in 2008, it said it would
>   continue offering and updating standalone versions of the company's ESP
>   platform for Linux and Unix, wrote Bjorn Olstad, CTO for Fast and a
>   Microsoft distinguished engineer.
>   "Over the last two years, weâve done just that."
>   But the products being released this year will be the last containing a
>   search core compatible with Linux and Unix, he said."
> Hm, haven't we seen this before -- Microsoft buying a mixed OS outfit, then
> dropping the non-Windows part, even if it doesn't make sense? The names
> Hotmail and GeCAD come to mind ...
> Richard Rasker


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