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Re: [News] GNU/Linux Growing Very Big in China (Top Server), Desktops Too

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____/ Mark Kent on Friday 12 Feb 2010 07:21 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Mark Kent on Sunday 07 Feb 2010 09:18 : \____
>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> ____/ Mark Kent on Friday 05 Feb 2010 16:39 : \____
>>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>>> Chinaâs Next Supercomputer is using Linux
>>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>>>| China is on its way to make a new indigenous
>>>>>>| supercomputer build with custom
>>>>>>| microprocessors developed at the Institute Of
>>>>>>| Computing Technology. This supercomputer, the
>>>>>>| petascale Dawning 6000 is a successor of the
>>>>>>| current fastest supercomputer China has, the
>>>>>>| Dawning 5000a. The Dawning 5000a has been
>>>>>>| running on AMD powered microprocessors and
>>>>>>| Windows HPC Server as itâs OS. The Dawning
>>>>>>| 5000a ranks 11th in the world. Apart from
>>>>>>| that, China also holds the #5 supercomputer in
>>>>>>| the top 500 list.
>>>>>> `----
>>>>>> http://techie-buzz.com/linux-news/chinas-supercomputer-linux.html
>>>>> The Dawning 5000a was ranked 19th in the World last November, the last
>>>>> time the top500.org list was updated.
>>>>> This is, to be fair, an incredible achievement for Windows, though.  One
>>>>> wonders how often the nodes crash, and how the overall machine recovers.
>>>> We once tried Windows clusters over here and it was a disaster. Not much
>>>> has changed since then. Windows is built by Microsoft alone, not clustering
>>>> experts like IBM (whose developers write Linux).
>>>> Microsoft has more or lost lost its ambition in HPC (they rarely mention
>>>> it). Windows also loses the mobile sector, which is probably the fastest
>>>> growing.
>>> My mental image of data networks in the future has arbitrarily capable
>>> terminals (perhaps a pen, a watch?), linked by best connectivity to a
>>> huge computing clusters which hold data and provide massive computing
>>> power.
>>> The hard bit is making voice work effectively, though...  3-mode
>>> networks are the proper solution, but there's a huge amount of
>>> commercial pressure towards a one-size-fits-all approach, which
>>> basically is ineffective at best.
>> Voice is still slower than thought, but it is more precise with a trigger
>> that's less sensitive.
> That's not the fundamental problem, rather, it's that the brain has
> evolved in a physical universe of waves carrying information, rather
> than packets (wave/particle duality notwithstanding).
> Further, conversation, rather than listening, imposes a huge range of
> constraints on what the brain can handle, particularly around latency
> and loss of information.
>> That said, human evolution made us fast communicators and
>> audiovisual processors, so pseudo-telepathy (mind interpretation with
>> sensors) is likely too far fetched. It's already possible but only at a crude
>> level... there are nice video demos of spinning a ball with one's mind after
>> some quick training phase (a few minutes).
> We have communications at brain-wave level established already, albeit
> in a very simplistic way.

Monkeys with semi-open skulls are sometimes used in such experiments. Rather

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Never awaking askew, no matter what they ask you
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