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[News] Drupal 7.0 Now in Second Alpha, Lots of Good News

  • Subject: [News] Drupal 7.0 Now in Second Alpha, Lots of Good News
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:44:14 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Drupal 7.0 Alpha 2 released

,----[ Quote ]
| Our first Drupal 7 alpha version was 
| released just over a month ago. Today, we're 
| proud to announce the release of the second 
| alpha version of Drupal 7.x for your further 
| testing and feedback. The first alpha 
| announcement provided a comprehensive list 
| of improvements made since Drupal 6.x, so in 
| this announcement we'll concentrate on how 
| you can help ensure that Drupal 7 is 
| released as soon as possible and is as rock 
| solid as the previous Drupal releases that 
| you've grown to love!


How To Learn Drupal


Need a job? Learn Drupal

,----[ Quote ]
| I recently learned that there are more jobs 
| available working with Drupal than there are 
| employees to fill them. According to John 
| Faber, COO at AF83, a Drupal development 
| shop, they're so busy with projects that 
| they've had to turn away business. And it's 
| the same for many other Drupal specialists 
| in San Francisco. There's a clear need for 
| bodies skilled in Drupal and other open-
| source software, including Linux. 


Archdiocese of Saint Louis Migrates to Drupal

,----[ Quote ]
| In early 2009, the Archdiocese of Saint 
| Louis determined that it needed to upgrade 
| its website, mostly for security concerns. 
| After investigating a move from Joomla! 
| 1.0.x to Joomla! 1.5.x, the Archdiocese 
| determined it would be more cost effective 
| and a more future-proof decision to migrate 
| the over 49 individual Joomla! sites that 
| comprised www.archstl.org into a single 
| Drupal installation.


Drupal goes to Mars

,----[ Quote ]
| Drupal goes to Mars, or rather, Drupal helps 
| us go to Mars ... eventually. NASA's Mars 
| Space Flight Facility at Arizona State 
| University is doing a lot of advanced work 
| with Drupal. They have a number of Drupal 
| sites, each with a different purpose, but 
| all used to share information about Mars as 
| discovered by ASU's THEMIS camera on the 
| Mars Odyssey orbiter. All of the sites have 
| some interesting integrations with other 
| software, including LDAP, legacy 
| authentication systems, Java Servlet based 
| web services, Flash, Java desktop clients, 
| map servers or Google Earth.


London.gov.uk using Drupal

,----[ Quote ]
| The official website for the Mayor of London 
| and the Greater London Authority is using 
| Drupal.



New Drupal Book - Drupal 6 Performance Tips

,----[ Quote ]
| Drupal 6 Performance Tips, by Trevor James
| and T J Holowaychuk, is a newly-published
| title from Packt Publishing aimed at Drupal
| beginners, developers, designers, and
| webmasters who utilize the Drupal content
| management system to create robust websites.
| It provides crucial performance-related
| information for Drupal users of all
| experience levels, including module
| contributors, webmasters who simply
| configure and maintain Drupal websites, and
| even themers.

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