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[News] Video-on-demand Done with Linux; How to Spin One's Own PVR

  • Subject: [News] Video-on-demand Done with Linux; How to Spin One's Own PVR
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 19:40:43 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Canal Digital preparing to launch hybrid VOD

,----[ Quote ]
| Canal Digital is close to introducing a new 
| Linux-based application that will bring in a 
| new video-on-demand service for its satellite 
| and cable customers. The initial plans were 
| first revealed to Broadband TV News last 
| November by Telenor Broadcast Holding CEO 
| Christian Albech in an exclusive interview.


How to build your own PVR for free

,----[ Quote ]
| Installing MythTV can be as easy or as 
| difficult as you want to make it. You could 
| install a plain vanilla Linux distro and then 
| install and configure MythTV with a lot of 
| nasty terminal and command-line work, but if 
| you fancy going down the easy route, it's 
| simple to install a Linux distro with MythTV 
| built in to the installer.
| Some of them will be based on distros we're 
| all familiar with (MythDora is based on 
| Fedora/Red Hat, for example) and some will be 
| a little more obscure. Ubuntu is one of the 
| most widely used Linux distros, thanks in no 
| small part to the user-friendly Windows/Mac 
| feel of its front-end, and a Ubuntu 
| installation with MythTV built-in is just too 
| good an opportunity to pass up for this 
| system.



Boxee Will Blow You Away

,----[ Quote ]
| Boxee is a cross-platform freeware media center software with promising new
| social networking features. Boxee is based on XBMC media center, an award
| winning open source project. Since i had  already tested the latest XBMC
| 9.04, i was not expecting anything dramatic from an alpha release of Boxee. I
| was way wrong.


Boxee vs. Zinc vs. Hulu

,----[ Quote ]
| As far as the BoxeeBox is concerned, I canât wait to revert to being back
| using a Linux platform for all my media streaming-media needs.


Boxee Battles Big Media

,----[ Quote ]
| Boxee was first released in mid-2008 to users of Apple (AAPL) Macintosh
| computers and machines running the Linux operating system.


Boxee hack restores Hulu (sort of)

,----[ Quote ]
| Unfortunately, Linux users will need to be patient for a few weeks while all
| these enhancements get phased into the Ubuntu version of Boxee, according to
| a Boxeeâs blog post on the new Hulu support.


Why Does Everyone Heart Boxee?

,----[ Quote ]
| The buzz has been building for Boxee lately. Mainstream news outlets like The
| New York Times, BusinessWeek and NPR are getting hip to the little
| open-source media center that could quite possibly change the way you
| experience TV.


Boxee now open to all Ubuntu, Mac, ATV users

,----[ Quote ]
| Boxee has just opened up its free A/V media center platform to all Ubuntu,
| Mac, and AppleTV users. Additionally, Boxee for Windows has
| entered âprivate-alphaâ phase, during which prospective users apply for the
| software online and wait for a download link.


Boxee: Open Source Connected TV


Boxee does better

,----[ Quote ]
| So, credit where it is due - it at least looks like Boxee is trying to both
| recognize and comply with the GPL.


Boxee plugs into Joost, MTV Music

,----[ Quote ]
| In addition, Boxee will be totally opening up its Mac, Linux, and Apple TV
| alphas to anyone who wants to sign up. The Windows version, however, will not
| be entering an open alpha, but rather an invite-only alpha while it scales.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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