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Re: I noticed a very interesting thing shopping at a Megamart yesterday

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____/ Homer on Thursday 27 May 2010 15:42 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Terry Porter spake thusly:
>> I chose one made by a very well known manufacturer, and was surprised
>> to observe that did not recommend Windows, it had no Windows sticker,
>> it said *nothing* about Windows on the box.
>> How times change!
> I recently bought a LiteOn eTAU108 DVD writer which, like most non-OEM
> DVD-RW drives, comes with a disc of burning software. However, unlike
> other drive bundles, part of the included software is for Linux (Nero).
> Now it may be true that a proprietary Linux application like Nero is
> utterly redundant, given that every major distro out there comes with
> Free Software burning packages like K3B, but the mere fact that LiteOn
> would even bother acknowledging the existence of some OS with a
> supposedly tiny share of their customer base, clearly demonstrates that
> share is neither as tiny nor as insignificant as some like to pretend.
> Not that this "share" matters one way or the other to what's really
> important about Free Software, but it certainly seems to be important to
> some ... like Ballmer for example, who spends so much money and effort
> trying to destroy Microsoft's "biggest competitor".

Nero AG is very helpful at the moment because it takes the trolls from
MPEG-LA (led by ubertroll Larry Horn) to court with antitrust action.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Open Source Othello: http://othellomaster.com
http://Schestowitz.com  |    RHAT Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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