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[News] Fedora Remix Brings in Ubuntu Derivative's Software

  • Subject: [News] Fedora Remix Brings in Ubuntu Derivative's Software
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 20:34:05 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Fedora Remix âLucky13â featuring mintMenu

,----[ Quote ]
| A few months ago, I talked about mintMenu being 
| ported to Fedora. I was excited to see it 
| happen. Using technologies such as Git and 
| GitHub.com we can easily fork projects and keep 
| track of the improvements and bug fixes done on 
| each fork. Commits can be selectively applied 
| and so the more our technologies are forked, 
| the more momentum they get, the more 
| communities provide feedback and ideas for 
| them, and the faster they improve.


Szulik to step down as Red Hat chairman

,----[ Quote ]
| Matthew Szulik, chairman of Red Hatâs board of 
| directors, is stepping down in August after his 
| term expires, according to a filing with the 
| Securities and Exchange Commission.



Linux Outlaws 151 - Fedora 13 Release Special

,----[ Quote ]
| We celebrate the release of Fedora 13 and
| have a look at the new features and
| improvements.


Ubuntu vs. Fedora: The Latest Versions Square Off

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu regularly claims to be the most
| popular Linux distribution. But, if so,
| Fedora is a competitive second. Both have
| thriving communities and are a major
| source of free and open source software
| innovation.
| Regularly, you can read on mailing lists
| of users having grown discontented with
| one and deciding to migrate to the other.
| In many users' minds, each is an
| alternative to the other.
| [...]
| Both Fedora and Ubuntu are GNOME-centered
| distributions, with KDE, Xfce, and other
| desktops as alternatives. Fedora has
| included fresh art for each new release
| for several years now, so its wallpaper
| compares favorably with Ubuntu's much-
| discussed new color-coded scheme.


The five best things coming in Fedora 13 Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| When Fedora 13, Goddard, is released on
| May 25, it's not going to be your usual
| Fedora Linux release. In the past, Fedora
| has been seen as a great Linux
| distribution for Linux experts. Paul W.
| Frields, the Fedora Project leader, told
| me though that this release is more new-
| user-friendly and that is no longer just
| for experienced Linux users. Based on my
| early look at this Red Hat community Linux
| distribution, I agree.
| You will be able to see it for yourself
| soon. After several delays, Frields has no
| doubt that this time, the Fedora final
| will be available for download soon.
| Frields explained to me that the delays
| were because Fedora has adopted much more
| "detailed and fleshed-out release
| criteria. In the past, we would release
| releases when it felt right. Now, we have
| criteria that make the process both more
| transparent to the community and provide
| strong release guidelines."

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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