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[News] Simon Phipps' Attack on 'Open' Core Spurs Big Debate

  • Subject: [News] Simon Phipps' Attack on 'Open' Core Spurs Big Debate
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2010 16:03:22 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Simon Phipps: An Open Source Evangelist Forges On

,----[ Quote ]
| Simon Phipps is a man with a missionâ 
| Well, a new mission. The former open 
| source evangelist for Sun Microsystems has 
| always been kind of missiony. His new 
| cause: proving that "open source 
| continuity" is a reality. His vehicle for 
| that mission: ForgeRock, a company formed 
| by erstwhile Sun execs to provide 
| "reliable stewardship" for OpenSSO, an 
| open-source access management and 
| federation server platform.
| OpenSSO was a Sun-sponsored open-source 
| project, the stewardship of which went to 
| Oracle when it was acquired. But Big O has 
| shown little interest in the technology. 
| Earlier this year, the company declared 
| that OpenSSO was "not strategic," and 
| later removed OpenSSO Express as a 
| download.
| Enter ForgeRock, which was founded in 
| February by Lasse Andresen, former CTO of 
| Sun's Europe, Middle East and Africa 
| (EMEA) region, Herman Svoren, former Sun 
| Sales exec (EMEA). Phipps joined the 
| company in May.


What lies beyond the open core debate?

,----[ Quote ]
| Simon Phipps rose to the challenge, in 
| doing so also countering some recent 
| statements in favor of the open core 
| approach from Marten Mickos. While Simon 
| makes some very valid points, and 
| Compiereâs strategy was undeniably open 
| core, it does not necessarily follow that 
| all open core strategies are doomed to 
| fail (as Jorg himself stated âexecution is 
| everythingâ). 


Open Source Needs To Have An Unfair Advantage To Succeed

,----[ Quote ]
| Simon has some great points in his posting 
| yesterday, reminding us all that the non-
| open features or services a company 
| provides to its customers may lead to 
| lock-in and reduction of freedoms for the 
| customer. He also comments that open core 
| businesses "stand to benefit massively" 
| from this. It seems that he is arguing 
| that this is a bad thing. My main point is 
| the opposite: by having vendors in the 
| open source space that benefit massively, 
| we will have a stronger world of free and 
| open source software (FOSS).
| To have many companies that benefit 
| massively in the open source space, I 
| believe we have to practice many different 
| business models. What works for Red Hat 
| may not work for MySQL and what works for 
| MySQL may not work for MuleSoft, and so 
| on. A number of open source companies are 
| implementing so called phone home features 
| and other essential benefits of the 
| product that are predicated on an online 
| connection to the vendor's web service. 
| Because a web service is a service and not 
| a piece of software that gets distributed, 
| many FOSS enthusiasts forget that those 
| services are from all practical 
| standpoints as closed as closed source 
| code.



âOpen Coreâ Is the New Shareware

,----[ Quote ]
| Like most buzzwords, Open Core has no real agreed-upon
| meaning. I'm using it to describe a business model
| whereby some middleware-ish system is released by a
| single, for-profit entity copyright holder, who
| requires copyright-assigned changes back to the
| company, and that company sells proprietary add-ons
| and applications that use the framework. Often, the
| model further uses the GPL to forbid anyone but the
| copyright-holding company to make such proprietary
| add-on applications (i.e., everyone else would have to
| GPL their applications). In the current debate, some
| have proposed that a permissive license structure can
| be used for the core instead.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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