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____/ High Plains Thumper on Thursday 28 Jul 2011 05:00 : \____
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> William Poaster on Monday:
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> On the show yesterday, Michael "Snit" said that he would actually
>>>> *TRY* PCLinuxOS and report back if the menus are not consistent.
>>>> On the show he also said that he had tried KDE. Later it turned out
>>>> that he lied because he said he had only judged it based on videos
>>>> and/or screenshots.
>>> Michael Snit Glasser lied. Well there's a surprise.
> No surprise, that is why the anti-Snit testimony list has grown to 154
> testimonies and continues to grow. He even concocts altered "evidence"
> stored on his website, to further his anti-Linux agenda.
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/d45c380531d6da4d
>>>> In order for people to knock Linux the least they need to do is *try*
>>>> it, otherwise it's disingenuous.
>>> Of course.
>>>> How many Microsoft employees have tried Linux? By giving fake
>>>> testimonies they help people get the impression that they 'tried' it
>>>> and "it sucks" and therefore others should not bother.
>>> Astroturfers, or maybe the wintrolls in this group.
>> They fall into different categories. Some are breaking the law.
> True. The best remedy for Linux is to give it a try. Snit's and other
> troll's lies are designed to prevent people from even considering it. It
> fits the Microsoft Evangelism goals:
> [quote]
> Our mission is to establish Microsoft's platforms as the de facto
> standards throughout the computer industry.... Working behind the scenes
> to orchestrate "independent" praise of our technology, and damnation of
> the enemy's, is a key evangelism function during the Slog.
> [...]
> Generalized Evangelism Timeline
> 8. The Slog. [...] Execute the tactics as previously determined, with
> minor modifications on the fly: this is the battle phase, win or lose.
> [...]
> 11. Mopping Up. During the mopping-up phase, ensure that the enemy
> technology is routed. Use the press, the Internet, etc. to heighten the
> impression that the enemy is desperate, demoralized, defeated, depressed.
> [/quote]
> http://www.groklaw.net/articlebasic.php?story=20071023002351958
> Here is an example from someone who is knowledgeable Linux advocate,
> dealing with the Snit circus:
> Snit: "When you show signs of growth we can move forward... until then,
> what value is there in giving you more info when you clearly cannot show
> any signs of understanding what you have been told."
> Sermo Malifer: "Your reply is nothing but worthless trash, a weak troll
> at best."
> Snit: "Remember: you are the one who is looking at three things (CPU,
> RAM, and HD) and showing you cannot understand why someone would value
> other things in a computer, such as form factor, FW800, Display Port,
> etc."
> Sermo Malifer: "You have yet to give any reason why I should value form
> factor, PW800, or Apple's proprietary port, above the things a Mac Mini
> lacks."
> Snit: "Your understanding on this topic, as with so many others, is
> simplistic and shallow. And as is so often the case with you, when you
> are faced with evidence that does not match your clear biases, you do not
> even try to refute it, you just insist it does not exist."
> Sermo Malifer: "Your paragraph does nothing other than prove you're a
> liar who doesn't know what he's talking about."
> Snit: "Hence why I repeatedly am able to honestly note how tattered your
> white flag is. At least go buy a new one... the one you are waving in
> pride is filthy and shredded."
> Sermo Malifer: "More trash talk from a lame troll."
> Snit: "As I have told you: Remember: you are the one who is looking at
> three things (CPU, RAM, and HD) and showing you cannot understand why
> someone would value other things in a computer, such as form factor,
> FW800, Display Port, etc."
> Snit: "Your understanding on this topic, as with so many others, is
> simplistic and shallow. And as is so often the case with you, when you
> are faced with evidence that does not match your clear biases, you do not
> even try to refute it, you just insist it does not exist.
> Snit: "Hence why I repeatedly am able to honestly note how tattered your
> white flag is. At least go buy a new one... the one you are waving in
> pride is filthy and shredded. Notice how you proved me right. Again."
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.cellular.attws/msg/9f73d052c43036c7
> This type discussion is typical of Snit. It fits the description of ad
> hominem trolling to a tee.
> [quote]
> Ad hominem troll
> Ad hominem troll at its simplest, will attack people personally, rather
> than the merits of their statements or methodologies.
> The ad hominem troll often has already lost a rational argument about a
> topic, and thus its goal is to change the argument from being about a
> topic, to being about the people opposed to the troll (which could mean
> any/all rational person(s) in the discussion), in the hopes of both
> discrediting people's ideas indirectly by discrediting the people, and
> engendering an emotional reaction from the people by attacking their
> egos / self-image. The "getting a reaction out of" goal is common to most
> troll types.
> The simple ad hominem troll is easily detected and dealt with by calling
> them on their ad hominem attacks.
> However, often ad hominem troll will start its discourse with seemingly
> reasonable commentary, perhaps an analogy etc. Using rational tone, they
> may lull you into thinking that they are rational in general and thus
> their entire message should be considered rational. Once they have
> established such an impression, then they will then descend into personal
> attacks which may even sound reasonably worded, until you recognize them
> for what they are, nothing more than personal attacks.
> Example: thacker. thacker starts by ignoring the previous comment (which
> itself was a rational challenge to thacker's earlier statements),
> repeating himself (see the section below on Repeating themselves), then
> moves onto an analogy. Afterwards he continues with personal attacks,
> starting subtly worded, then increasingly harsh:
> * "some here, yourself included, will not see nor understand the
> parallels"
> * "Your noses are simply buried too deeply into the proverbial bark."
> * "Or you lack the courage, will, ability to step away and ask the
> truly difficult questions. That is a shame."
> [/quote]
> http://tantek.pbworks.com/w/page/19403022/TrollTaxonomy
> Snit fits the description precisely. He does it to disrupt this
> newsgroup, as he did the Mac advocacy group.
That's quite the 0wn4g3, but frankly, I still think Snit is just a soul
in the wrong forum.
- --
~~ Best of wishes
Dr. Roy S. Schestowitz (Ph.D. Medical Biophysics), Imaging Researcher
http://Schestowitz.com | GNU/Linux administration | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Editor @ http://techrights.org & Broadcaster @ http://bytesmedia.co.uk/
GPL-licensed 3-D Othello @ http://othellomaster.com
Non-profit search engine proposal @ http://iuron.com
Contact E-mail address (direct): s at schestowitz dot com
Contact Internet phone (SIP): schestowitz@xxxxxxxxx (24/7)
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