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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14

On 03/09/14 13:27, Michael Stone wrote:
On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 12:29:32PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
I have some concrete suggestions for improvements which I am going to
post to a public list.  I wanted to share the background here.

"background" would ideally include a link or something so people know wtf this is. :)

Mike Stone

I was not at DC14 or aware of this talk until now - Thanks Ian for highlighting it, very interesting - especially the comments about application installation in the light of the systemd noise recently.

Ian Jackson wrote:

   Linus described the FSF as `bigots'.  That is clearly beyond the pale.

Well the background was the question about the GPL3 debacle.

Linus: "Oh I hate GPL version3"

But then he explains both why, and why it is a fine licence in its own right - but not as a drop in replacement for GPLv2.

Linus: "I understand why people would want to do them (GPLv3 extensions) but I think it should have been a completely new license."

He also explained why he does not trust the FSF.

Linus: "I actually think that version three is a fine license. I'm a firm believer that if you right a piece of code it is your choice to pick a license... and version 3 is a fine licence - V3 was not a good 'here we give you version 2 and then we sneak in these new rules and try to force everybody to upgrade', that was the part I disliked..."

I fully agree!

Linus: "the kind of stuff that was going on behind the scenes made me once and for all to decide to never have anything to do with the FSF again"

That is his right, and again from my recollection of the farce... I agree.

Linus: "The FSF is full of crazy bigoted people. Thats just my opinion right."

Ignoring for a moment whether it is literally right or not...
Is Linus allowed to have and voice an opinion? Is Ian?

Linus: "I overstated that a bit..." Thats the point of hyperbole - make your point by overstating to get attention, then make the real point. There is a lot of humour in there too, maybe you missed it.

A comment on http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/2f7faq/linus_at_debconf_2014_including_a_great_rant/ stood out for me:

   [--] <javascript:void(0)>computesomething
   <http://www.reddit.com/user/computesomething>11 points 22 hours ago*

       Wow this video is news. He says the Free Software Foundation is
       "dishonest", "downright immoral", "they did some really sneaky
       stuff", and "literally lied to people". He said once and for all
       he wants nothing to do with the FSF ever again. He says the FSF
       is "full of crazy bigoted people". He really hates GPL3. Then he
       goes on to say he likes the BSD license. And "encourages to use
       the BSD license" in certain situations.

   And then he backpedaled on pretty much every statement you chose to
   highlight, which is his typical 'modus operandi' on the kernel
   mailing list 'flamings' as well:

   |make hyperbolic statement
   take in reactions backpedal on hyperbolic statement
   and slowly reach the actual issue |

   [--] <javascript:void(0)>borring
   <http://www.reddit.com/user/borring>20 points 1 day ago

   I couldn't help but smile when he rebutted with (paraphrased) "When
   I say those things, some people might realize that it was a hyperbole"


I think computesomething is spot on. Used well, hyperbole can be a very powerful and provide some light relief! Heck it was used in the systemd debate! Oh maybe that was unintentional.

Banning Torvalds from Debian events would be like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
Banning Torvalds from Debian events would be a community and PR disaster for the Debian project.

Talking to Torvalds privately about an issue where someone feels offended is far more likely to result in positive changes (from the perspective of the offended) than waging all out war in public. IMHO.

In this case it seems Linus was just re-inforcing his own reputation.
But perhaps he wasn't the only one:

   [--] <javascript:void(0)>curmudgeonqualms
   <http://www.reddit.com/user/curmudgeonqualms>32 points 1 day ago*

   Wow, that guy in the Zen shirt is a dick.

     * perma-link

   [--] <javascript:void(0)>varikonniemi
   <http://www.reddit.com/user/varikonniemi>8 points 1 day ago

   Who are these borderline autistic butthurts that come to a Linus Q&A
   to cry about how they have been insulted and demand respect?

   Especially the joker in the xen shirt.

Just my tuppence worth.


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