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Re: Code of Conduct complaint about Linus's comments at DC14 :: Respect

On Mon, 22 Sep 2014, Ron <ron@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 11:49:56AM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
> > On Mon, 22 Sep 2014, Paul Hedderly <paul@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > Ahh see there lies the problem. You are clearly not allowed to make
> > > _any_ jokes.
> > 
> > http://reasonableconversation.wordpress.com/2012/07/19/punching-up/
> > 
> > When discussing comedy it's generally accepted that people should "punch
> > up" not "punch down".
> Russ used this term in the conversation we had off-list, and I wasn't
> aware at the time that this was A Thing.  But I'll say again what I
> said then.
> "punching up" is just a glorified turn of phrase for "knocking down",
> and Tall Poppy Syndrome is no less deplorable or poisonous than any
> other form of abusive behaviour.

Not at all.  You are demonstrating your ignorance again.  Please read the 
article I cited and some others on the same topic.

> In fact in a merit based community, such as people say ours sometimes
> is, or ought to be, it's arguably much worse.  Why would capable and
> smart people want to take on extra responsibility if it was just a
> licence for others to "legitimately" consider them punching bags?

That's a strange and unusual interpretation of things.

> I don't think we want a system where only psychopaths who enjoy a
> fight rise to "the top".

We're not talking about fighting here, but about jokes.  Regardless of the 
analogies that may be used.

> > I'll quote one relevant paragraph:
> > 
> > # Punching down is a concept in which you’re assumed to have a measurable
> > # level of power and you’re looking for a fight. Now, you can either go
> > after # the big guy who might hurt you, or go after the little guy who
> > has # absolutely no shot. Either way, you’ve picked a fight, but one
> > fight is # remarkably more noble and worthwhile than the other. Going
> > after the big # guy, punching up, is an act of nobility. Going after the
> > little guy, # punching down, is an act of bullying.
> Unless nobility was redefined as "the quality of being a total knob"
> while I wasn't looking, I think this is utter intellectual nonsense
> with no connection at all to what we should really consider Noble.
> The idea that boxing is a "noble art" ran out of steam and credibility
> much the same way that the idea Hysteria was a medical condition which
> could be cured by hysterectomy did.

That's an analogy.  You seem to be interpreting things very literally.

> This whole thread started precisely because someone disrespected that
> process and tried to raise a lynch mob to help them "punch up".

Not at all.  Someone made a complaint, the complaint was investigated, the 
consensus seemed to be that the complaint lacked merit, and nothing else 

> If we haven't, it's going to be repeated until we do.  So please,
> learn fast.

I think that more than a few people on this list need to learn some people 
skills.  Learn to not take things literally, understand what analogies are 
(and sarcasm because people who have trouble with analogies have trouble with 
that too), and generally get that there are people who are different to you.

I can recommend Autism forums as a good place to learn such things.  I've 
spent a bit of time on such forums in discussions like this.  I'm happy to 
spend time helping people who are more Autistic than me, but this isn't the 
list for it.  ;)

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