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Re: Formatting and Installing Linux

Jack Ouzzi wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Setting up your screen resolution is a one-time effort. Don't feel
>> reluctant to follow my suggestion...
> Oh no certainly not reluctant Roy, I am just not sure what you mean by:
> ....Find in the menus something which is called
> "root console" or "root terminal". Open it, then enter: ......
> What menus, and where are they?? Do you mean boot up in 640x480 and
> then select the 'terminal window' and follow your instruction???
> Sorry to be a bit slow ..... (Unlike Linux)

As of 9 AM today, I am on the Ubuntu machine at work (until 6 PM) so I can
give you better instructions.

Go to Applications > System Tools -> Root Terminal (this gives you complete
control of the machine - root is administrator)

You will then be asked for the password (which you chose when installing

I hope you can follow the remainder of my instructions from here, but if
not, please tell me.

>> This proves that Ubuntu will work with that resolution too if you follow
>> the instructions I gave you.
> I have just proved it myself ...... I booted the live CD on my Dell
> laptop and it loaded straight into 1024x768 without a flutter ........
> IN FACT, so giggly am I that I am SERIOUSLY thinking of loading the
> whole package onto the very same laptop, and washing Billy and his
> bl**dy XP down the drain. JUST in case I do go down that road (I will
> need to download the full DVD first) do I just remove XP and clean
> install Kubuntu ? Will it recognise the NTFS file system? or does it do
> it's own thing??
> ;-)  ;-)  ;-) Giggle

If you have all your personal files backed-up on a CD, you needn't install
anything. When you install an operating system (Linux) it will either
'clean up' your hard-drive or live side-by-side with a Windows partition
(if you choose to do that, AKA dual-boot). When you partition your
hard-drive, you essentially set fixed quotas to each partition and quotas
are hard if not impossible to change thereafter. From my experience, a
Windows partition steals much-needed space in the long run. I haven't
booted up into Windows for months.


Roy S. Schestowitz

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