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Re: Ubuntu and PCLinux Resolution

Jack Ouzzi wrote:

> WOW this seems very complicated !!

> I have just downloaded Kubuntu Live
> and burnt it onto a CD and the same ....... boots in 640x480 ...... no
> other option BUT 640x480 (but it looks very good)

Kubuntu was a great choice bcause I prefer KDE to Gnome...


Setting up your screen resolution is a one-time effort. Don't feel reluctant
to follow my suggestion...

> Equally I burnt a PCLinux live CD and with a:    live xres=1024x768
> command it boots up to that resolution ...... marvellous

This proves that Ubuntu will work with that resolution too if you follow the
instructions I gave you.

> I don't want to 'give up' on Ubuntu..... ...   but
> So find in what menus where Roy ?

I'm a little lost here...

> Dell P4 2.8Gb - 1Gb Memory - Intel 82865G Graphics Controller
> Thanx

It sounds like that machine gives much more power than ever necessary.

Good luck,


Roy S. Schestowitz

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