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Re: Feed me to the lions

__/ [John Bokma] on Wednesday 07 December 2005 06:00 \__

> Perl script that automatically creates a feed:
> http://johnbokma.com/perl/rss-web-feed-builder.html
> feedback (you can post on my site) and back links are welcome (as always).

Okay,  I  was  seriously about to set this up. I wanted  a  recently-added
static pages feed (I notice that all of yours a static).

A random few thoughts:

-With  large sites, the scripts hogs resources for a very long time, which
becomes problematic on a shared server. 'nice'ing it might help. I suppose
one could use this on small sites with fewer worries. Advanced stats pack-
ages are just about as resource-greedy.

-Although I can install the XML-RSS Perl module, I cannot install it on my
host's machines. I can use phpshell to get shell access, but no root priv-

-The script is a neat one to put on the Web server and define it to be run
nightly  using  the  crontab. Again, there is the  issue  of  scalability.
cPanel  allows  cron jobs to be defined without the need  for  workarounds
such as shell/SSH/telnet 'deprivation', which is often set by default.

-The  script seems very customisable and simple enough to tailor to  one's

-if  the  script  cannot be automated to run  independently,  it's  almost
pointless.  I  noticed that you periodically modify your XML files,  which
makes update non-real-time.

All in all, the script would suit many people, but it does not accommodate
my   circumstances.   I  guess  I  could  run  the  Perl   from   here   (
http://baine.smb.man.ac.uk:8001  ), but putting my feeds off-site would be
similar to 'offshoring' feeds to FeedBurner. it also devours bandwidth.


PS - I like scripts that are practical such as ones that serve as SEO tools
and automated site 'housekeeping'. Keep em' coming!

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Useless fact: Every polar bear is left-handed
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