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Re: 2 Gb Sd Card Palm Tungsten C?

__/ [James] on Tuesday 06 December 2005 02:10 \__

> Is there any way to get a Palm Tungsten C to read a 2 Gb SD card?
> Thanks.
> James

I  believe  there are some issues with cards that exceed 1.5 GB or  there-
abouts.  I  don't remember the compatibility tables and models  which  had
been successfully tested for that capacity.

The  Tungsten C is not among the most modern models, so I believe it  will
be unhappy/unfamiliar with 2 GB SD cards. I suggest you take a look at the
Palm  knowledgebase  for a more accurate answer. Also do a Web search  for
'Palm 2GB' maybe appending 'Tungsten C' in the query. You should see plen-
ty of reports from people because it's a frequently-asked question.

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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