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Re: Firefox Extensions (Was: Opera Experience)

  • Subject: Re: Firefox Extensions (Was: Opera Experience)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 01:21:12 +0000
  • Newsgroups: alt.www.webmaster
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <Xns97068671EE1Bmecharlessweeneycom@> <helqm1dj3696qt0cmtfiq5kebplg4ee8os@4ax.com> <Xns9706B440538Cmecharlessweeneycom@> <dkjuf1$210s$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk> <Xns970682F11BCFFmecharlessweeneycom@> <op.sztlculgsl6xfd@greywyvern.belkin> <3t6f6dFqvo6eU1@individual.net> <Pine.GSO.3.95.iB1.0.1051106170430.27323A-100000@halifax.chebucto.ns.ca>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [Norman L. DeForest] on Sunday 06 November 2005 21:13 \__

> On Sun, 6 Nov 2005, Arne wrote:
>> Once upon a time *GreyWyvern* wrote:
>> > And lo, Charles Sweeney didst speak in alt.www.webmaster:
>> > 
>> >> Roy Schestowitz wrote
>> >>
>> >>> __/ [Charles Sweeney] on Sunday 06 November 2005 01:06 \__
>> >>>
>> >>>>>> Just love the shortcuts for the bookmarks, the zoom and the mouse
>> >>>>>> gestures.
>> >>>
>> >>> You can use them in Firefox too.
>> >>
>> >> Sure about that?  Firefox has bookmark shortcuts and zoom?
>> > 
>> > Not out-of-the-box, AFAIK.

Correct. You need to get an extension to make that possible. I guess the
philosophy in Mozilla is that all applications should be lightweight, not a
bloat. Thunderbird and WordPress, for instance, take a similar stance.
Separate the trunk from 'plug-ins'. A user will customise it to become a
personal tool that is optimised for the task.

Linux is quite similar in that respect, although some could suggest
otherwise. It comes with plenty of tools (bloat), but one can customise the
machine endlessly. A default KDE/GNOME desktop does not come with mouse
gestures enabled, or wallpaper slideshow (shuffle), multiple docks (panels),
etc. It can all be added at will.

>> Mozilla browsers don't have everything in the default install. But
>> "shortcuts" is one of those defaults, it's just called "keywords" that
>> you can set for every bookmark if you wish.

Keymarks? I think it's also known as "smart keywords".

>> What I like in Mozilla, is that you download only the "basics" and
>> then you can add what ever "extras" you need and like to have, in
>> opposite to getting everything possible even if you don't need and use
>> more than 10 percent of it.

That's why I always keep my ~/.mozilla (or Windows and Mac equivalents)
directory backed-up. It contains your personalised components and can be
grafted elsewhere as-is to make /your/ version of the software re-appear.

>> Two extensions that I recommend, is the "Preference Toolbar" and the
>> "Webdeveloper Toolbar". With them I have almost everything I need. So
>> I have only a couple other extensions in addition to those two.
> I have both of those.  I also recommend them.
> I also have:
>    HTML Validator (based on Tidy)
>    ColorZilla     ("Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and
>                     other colorful goodies.")
>    MeasureIt      (ruler and height and width measurement (in pixels))
>    ShowIP         (The IP address of the site you are connecting to
>                    appears in the status bar and whois is a click away)
> HTML editors installed for testing but not tried yet:
>    cuneAform
>    EditorZilla
>    Codetch

Here are the ones I would quiver without (exact names as in the Extensions

-CSS ad block (in the user profile) - changes your whole perspective of the
-Mouse Gestures - from Optimoz.
-Flashblock - allows the user to block Flash and permit its invocation using
-googlebar - better in many respects than the Google Toolbar
-SearchStatus - highlight rel="nofollow"es links, display PR and Alexa rank
in status bar, also inclusion in Google Directory and DMOZ
-Web Developer - the ultimate design/debug extension
-netcrafttoolbar - lots of useful site information
-Adsense Notifier - little notifier of earnings - real-time in the status bar

Redundant extensions that I no longer use or have disabled:

-FlashGot - mass downloads (now use wget)
-SpellBound - spellchecker in textareas (doesn't work consistently)
-PRGoogleBar - Googlebar with PageRank (googlebar is now better -- has
evolved more)
-Live HTTP Headers - if you are bored
-A9 Toolbar - Only good for boosting your Alexa rank (history log)


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Useless fact: Falsity implies anything
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