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Re: Flash and Frames in Sites

__/ [Toby Inkster] on Sunday 04 September 2005 12:11 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> The text "If your browser does not support Flash, click here" appears
>> below the Flash object
> Though it assumes that the visitor owns a device capable of "clicking".
> Even if they do own one, it seems rather archaic to insist on its use in
> this current era of voice-controlled browsers.

The anchor text of links in that page always looks laughable to me, but I
promised myself not to spend much time on that long-forgotten Web site. I
guess I ought to have said something like:

"If you browser does not support Flash, just holler, click <here>, or go to
a <different site>. If the design of this site infuriates you, I suggest
Prozak with a glass of water. Complaints by E-mail to my spam trap at
roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; I like big attachments too, especially ones that mess
about with my Registry"

To phrase this much more professionally, I would replace "holler" with
"shout". That'll do... time to make some changes to the front page...

...or not.


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Lions are like hippie tigers"
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux    |     PGP-Key: 74572E8E
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