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Re: A theory

__/ [Krustov] on Friday 16 September 2005 13:54 \__

> <uk.net.web.authoring , Roy Schestowitz , newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> <dgdjho$1jbr$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> <Fri, 16 Sep 2005 06:00:14 +0100>
>> Remember that the Web is rather mature.
> Only to people like yourself .
> About a year ago I was getting a chinese take away and asked the guy if
> they had a website that I could look at when I get home - he said summit
> like 'we wish' and then went onto explain the only reason they didnt was
> because they didnt know anybody who could do that sort of thing .

A Web site for an existing (with a physical address) business is something I
would like to distinguish from Web-only start-up business. In that sense,
much ground has been covered already and breakthroughs are hard to attain.


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Life is too short to proofread"
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux    |     PGP-Key: 74572E8E
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