On Sun, 30 Jul 2006 15:36:24 -0400, flatfish+++ wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Jul 2006 20:20:14 +0100, Kier wrote:
>> So, you think just because *you* say it, it's automatically got to be
>> true? Sorry, doesn't work like that.
> Sure it does.
> This is COLA.
> Facts need not apply.
You should know, since most of your posts are lies.
> Every troll is flatfish. (or just about)
> flatfish is really Gary Stewert.
That's what you told us, several times. Are you saying you lied?
> Erik is a paid Microsoft troll.
That'd be news to me. I have actually stated that I never have believed
all this 'paid shill' tripe. On *either* side.
> DFS is not a programmer.
An opinion.
> DFS doesn't make 6 figures.
Until he proves that he does, anyone is free to suggest he might not.
> Terry Porter is a genius.
Is he? Wouldn't know.
> flatfish had a crush on Terry Porter.
I don't give a shit about your sordid love life, flatfish.
> flatfish uses a pirated copy of Windows XP
> flatfish pirated Mandrake (ignoring the true details behind the story)
Certainly sounded like you stole it to me, and then tried to wriggle out
of it with a lot of double-talk.
> Roy Culley's stats are valid.
They are - in the criteria he gives.
> It's ok for Roy S to use copyrighted images without permission.
No one said it was. The dispute was between Roy and the owner of the
images, and no business of anyone else's. No one but those two actually
knew the facts of the situation
> It's ok for Roy S to condone piracy by association.
You haven't proved that is even remotely the case, and you know it. You
claim to be so hot for the truth, yet you immediately twist facts into
lies to suit your agenda, which is clearly attacking Roy.
> Using XNA is a sure sign of a troll (What about Poaster who used it for
> years?)
What about him? When he was challenged about it, he stopped.
> Google/yahoo/open proxy posters are all trolls. (What about Daeron?)
Daeron *is* a troll, as far as I'm concerned.
> etc.............
Missing out every lie and distortion eveer uttered by anyone anti-Linux,
of course. So, are you claiming all Linux advocatres are liars while
trolls and winvocates are pure as the driven snow, and never lie or
distort the truth? That isn't going to fly, flatty.