On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 03:32:38 +0000, Tim Smith wrote:
> In article <pan.2006.>, arachnid
> wrote:
>>> It seems to me that a basic thing a Linux advocate (or a Mac advocate, or
>>> a Windows advocate) would do is follow the news on the subject they are
>>> advocating. With RSS feeds and a good reader, that takes almost no
>>> effort, and is much more efficient than waiting for someone to repost on
>>> a newsgroup.
>> Since you love Microsoft so much, why aren't you over in a Windows group
>> advocating for WGA?
> Well, since I run dozens of Linux or Unix boxes, only use Windows
> occasionally for games, make my living writing Linux programs, and have been
> getting people to switch to Linux for several years, why the hell would I
> want to go to a Windows group?
If that's the case, why are you behaving like a troll? You know perfectly
well why Roy posts his News items. No one is forcing you to read them, or
answer them (I usually skip through them quickly to see if there's
anything that interests me), so what are gaining by continuiing to
complain? Filter them out and stop whining.