On Sunday 23 July 2006 00:55 flatfish+++ wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Jul 2006 23:43:23 +0000, Mathew P. wrote:
>> I was thinking pole dancing, but decided not to mention it.
>> Oh wait! I just did!
>> So sorry Roy ;-)
>> regards
>> Mathew
> So you really are gay then?
> "Pole Dancing" is homo slang.
> It figures.
I didn't know that....
....tell me, flattie, how did *you* know that?
Oh dear oh dear oh dear......
You really are getting desperate now aren't you?
Cross-posts to alt.homosexual? Does it exist?
What *is* your problem, son? Tell us about it.... have you run out of
meds? ...... are people not giving you enough attention?.... feeling
depressed? ..... down?...... suicidal?