you use outlook. end of story.
* Seeing my appetite dissolve at Panera in Edison,NJ while avoiding all
the BS flung by 'Martha.'
We got
Martha Adams wrote:
> Gee, we're a little off topic. "Plonk" is mysterious, but I get it now:
> it's the sound of a large overripe fruit falling onto the ground for
> purpose to fertilize it. Very helpful. Very appropriate.
> Anyhow, yes, I do find Outlook Express hard to use. I found trn
> *much* nicer to use, before someone made it more "user friendly",
> several years ago.
> My introduction to all this stuff was ITS, leading to my private
> ambition to make a Linux run like ITS. I've thought maybe I could
> do that with one of the little linuxes, which seem to run to gooeys
> and "user-friendly". I think that at my age, probably I won't get
> to that.
> As I look at today's COLA I'm struck by the immediate improvement
> with Shestowitz out of it. I am not saying the guy's postings are
> useless; just that it's very nice to see that stuff filtered and at
> second hand, rather than in my face. Yes, this is much better.
> As for using Outlook Express here, why not? For me, it's a way
> station, serving until I reconstitute one of my Linux machines and
> my home, so that I can set in some network resources. And, of
> course, the best Linux firewall I can make.
> Cheers -- Martha Adams
> "Brad" <brad@xxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:pan.2006.
> > On Sat, 22 Jul 2006 05:06:07 +0000, Martha Adams wrote:
> >
> >> The Schestowitz problem is basically, that spinning off posts like
> >> a July 4 pinwheel, Schestowitz must be incredibly active and
> >> productive; or, he's not accomplishing so much after all because
> >> his posts are shallow, trivial, and repeat information available
> >> in better form elsewhere. Obviously, for Schestowitz, the
> >> second option is the one in effect. The remedy is simple and
> >> while I believe almost anybody here can do it easily, I'll
> >> outline it anyway. I'm working presently in Microsoft Outlook
> >> Express.
> >>
> >> Click on Tools at the top of the window; choose Message
> >> Rules, choose Block Senders List. Probably it will be empty.
> >> Now add 'newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', into the window
> >> there. Schestowitz isn't sending me any emails, so I chose
> >> the option, 'News Messages.'
> >
> > Hmmm, the above process is for blocking (plonking) a usenet poster in
> > MS
> > Outlook Express. A quick header check confirms this. This could lead
> > one
> > to conclude that you Martha, are nothing more than a wintroll, posting
> > to
> > a Linux newsgroup.
> > The process to accomplish this in the Linux based usenet newsreader
> > Pan is
> > this:
> > Click on <Articles>, Click on <Plonk Author>, be sure and check <Never
> > Expire>, Click on <Add and Rescore>
> >
> > And Lo, no more Martha Adams. Now COLA is a much better place.
> > Goodbye Martha Adams.
> >
> >
> > Brad
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >