Gee, we're a little off topic. "Plonk" is mysterious, but I get it now:
it's the sound of a large overripe fruit falling onto the ground for
purpose to fertilize it. Very helpful. Very appropriate.
Anyhow, yes, I do find Outlook Express hard to use. I found trn
*much* nicer to use, before someone made it more "user friendly",
several years ago.
My introduction to all this stuff was ITS, leading to my private
ambition to make a Linux run like ITS. I've thought maybe I could
do that with one of the little linuxes, which seem to run to gooeys
and "user-friendly". I think that at my age, probably I won't get
to that.
As I look at today's COLA I'm struck by the immediate improvement
with Shestowitz out of it. I am not saying the guy's postings are
useless; just that it's very nice to see that stuff filtered and at
second hand, rather than in my face. Yes, this is much better.
As for using Outlook Express here, why not? For me, it's a way
station, serving until I reconstitute one of my Linux machines and
my home, so that I can set in some network resources. And, of
course, the best Linux firewall I can make.
Cheers -- Martha Adams
"Brad" <brad@xxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> On Sat, 22 Jul 2006 05:06:07 +0000, Martha Adams wrote:
>> The Schestowitz problem is basically, that spinning off posts like
>> a July 4 pinwheel, Schestowitz must be incredibly active and
>> productive; or, he's not accomplishing so much after all because
>> his posts are shallow, trivial, and repeat information available
>> in better form elsewhere. Obviously, for Schestowitz, the
>> second option is the one in effect. The remedy is simple and
>> while I believe almost anybody here can do it easily, I'll
>> outline it anyway. I'm working presently in Microsoft Outlook
>> Express.
>> Click on Tools at the top of the window; choose Message
>> Rules, choose Block Senders List. Probably it will be empty.
>> Now add 'newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', into the window
>> there. Schestowitz isn't sending me any emails, so I chose
>> the option, 'News Messages.'
> Hmmm, the above process is for blocking (plonking) a usenet poster in
> MS
> Outlook Express. A quick header check confirms this. This could lead
> one
> to conclude that you Martha, are nothing more than a wintroll, posting
> to
> a Linux newsgroup.
> The process to accomplish this in the Linux based usenet newsreader
> Pan is
> this:
> Click on <Articles>, Click on <Plonk Author>, be sure and check <Never
> Expire>, Click on <Add and Rescore>
> And Lo, no more Martha Adams. Now COLA is a much better place.
> Goodbye Martha Adams.
> Brad