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Re: Pirate?! WTF?!

chrisv wrote:
> Erik "the weasel" Funkenbusch wrote:
> >On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 22:30:32 +0100, Mark Kent wrote:
> >>
> >> chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> >>> Erik "the weasel" Funkenbusch wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>Of course when Daeron tried to get Simon fired for posting to COLA, that
> >>>>was ok with most of the COLA people.  And then when Daeron tried to destroy
> >>>>Simon's employer for not firing him, by sending their customes emails that
> >>>>was OK with most of the COLA regulars too.
> >>>
> >>> You're a bald-faced liar, Erik.  "Most COLA people" do NOT condone
> >>> taking things to real life, you pathetic troll.
> >>
> >> There's nothing quite like a completely unsupported generalisation, is
> >> there?  Erik cares not one jot for the truth, methinks.
> >
> >Oh, I see.  When the artist of the work doesn't come forward to coomplain
> >about the infringement, then that must mean he's ok with it.
> Dumbshit.  These situations are not similar.  One is an act of
> *malice*, the other is, at worst, a poor decision, and easily forgiven

ROY?  Poor decision?  He stole for personal gain.

> Do you, you POS, intend on bringing-up Roy's questionable decision
> every time you or some other scummy, shithead troll behaves
> unethically?

Who is behaving, unethically?

> Pretty funny, really, that a proven hypocrite like yourself accuses
> others of hypocrisy.  Of course, you only reveal, yet again, what a
> morally-bankrupt asshole you are.

We are goint to explore your character, and COLA as a group, in a

> >Yet when COLA people don't decry horrid behavior, that's not being ok with
> >it.
> Dumbsh*t.  MANY of us are on-record as decrying the "horrid behavior"
> of taking things to real life.  I know I am.

MANY?  Show me 10 posts from the COLA FREAK side saying ROY was bad.
Show me a topic that the COLA FREAKS started to tell Roy this is bad.

You say "taking things to real life".  This was ROY.  He posts all the
Are you bashing him?  Are you standing up to your belief's?

Or, are you altering your values, because it was ROY?  What I thought.

> >Right.
> Right - you are a lying, hypocritical POS.

I have not seen a flatfish lie  ...  I see a ton of people trashing on

> I find it rather interesting that pretty much all the pro-M$ people in
> here are lying assholes.  Coincidence?  I think not.

I have not seen flatfish lie.  I see a lot of COLA FREAKS go crazy when

someone finds something wrong with LINUX.

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