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Re: [News] WinFS Dies (And Yet ANOTHER Feature Conceded)

Erik Funkenbusch wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 13:19:18 +0200, Peter KÃhlmann wrote:
>> Right. One works. The other is vaporware
> One takes the easy approach, the other doesn't.

Nope. The other is vaporware. Non-existant
It does not take any approach. Non-existant software by default doesn't

>> Yes. "Easily". It was just an afternoons work to do WinFS. So easy in
>> fact that MS could not do it
> Easily means less work than engineering a new solution.

Well, show us the "new solution"
Right, there is none

>>> By detaching the datastore from the filesystem itself, it's more
>>> portable. Reiser, on ther other hand can only work with ReiserFS
>>> locally.
>> Still, Reiser got something your masters "masterpiece" (in dropped
>> features) has not. And probably never will have. After all, this was
>> promised before Win95 appeared.
> If Microsoft had taken the approach of embedding the metadata in the
> filesystem (something that NTFS can already do very easy with alternate
> file streams) this would have been simple.  That wasn't what Microsoft
> wanted to do, though.
Well, given that the incompetent horde of programmers at MS have not come up
with anything useable at all, they should have perhaps taken the "simple
But I guess even that was beyond their capabilities

> WinFS went way beyond simple metadata.
> And, for the record, nobody seems to want Reiser4 anyways, probably
> because
> it's too invasive in the filesystem for most peoples tastes.  For example,
> what happens when you copy a file from a ReiserFS partition to a
> non-reiser
> partition?  What happens when you copy it to an NFS share and then back
> again?  Right.  you lose all your metadata.

This has what to do with WinFS being dead exactly?
There still is a working FS, even if you have to FUD now extra-time, and a
non-existant one.
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