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Re: [News] WinFS Dies (And Yet ANOTHER Feature Conceded)

Erik Funkenbusch wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 05:24:02 +0100, [H]omer wrote:
>> I was thinking more along the lines of how a Free project, like
>> Reiser4, managed to achieve what a big budget project, like WinFS,
>> could not.
> Yeah, that makes sense.  Considering that Reiser4 and WinFS aren't the
> same thing at all.

Right. One works. The other is vaporware

> Reiser4 provides metadata with plug-ins in the native filesystem.  WinFS,
> on the other hand is 


> designed to be filesystem independant (though they 
> were only planning to initially implement it with NTFS, it could have
> easily been extended to CIFS and other filesystems).

Yes. "Easily". It was just an afternoons work to do WinFS. So easy in fact
that MS could not do it

> By detaching the datastore from the filesystem itself, it's more portable.
> Reiser, on ther other hand can only work with ReiserFS locally.

Still, Reiser got something your masters "masterpiece" (in dropped features)
has not. And probably never will have. After all, this was promised before
Win95 appeared.
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