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Re: Whining about Wine

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o' wisdom:

>> The answer is simple, Roy.  I need to emit documents that don't cause
>> messages or hangup in the Word program that our client uses to read (and
>> tweak) them.
>> Maybe OpenOffice will eventually do that.
> Fair enough. Sorry if it seemed like I doubted your motives. I didn't, but
> phrasing was poor due to rush. Maybe it's time to give some clients the
> nudge, suggesting that they stick with OpenOffice, which everyone uses
> (READ: can use).

We're talking about the Navy here.  The ones involved in the NMCI
debacle, whereby Microsoft sells thousands of high-priced licenses,
while EDS takes it in the shorts to the tune of billions trying to
install and manage this stuff, and the users have to put up with the
whole mess.

No way they'll switch from MS Office anytime soon.  No way.

Q:  Why does a GNU/Linux user compile his kernel?
A:  Because he can.

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