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Re: [News] Google Web Toolkit Released for Linux

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ M ] on Thursday 18 May 2006 18:51 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Google Web Toolkit (GWT) for Linux 1.0.20 Beta
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java software development framework that
>>> | makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for
>>> | developers who don't speak browser quirks as a second language.
>>> `----
>>> License: Freeware
>> Might come in handy, Cheers Roy.
> *waves hello*

*waves back*

> There are plenty more: A new one from Oracle and also the following site
> which have been in my bookmarks for a while:
>         http://projects.backbase.com/RUI/portal.html
>         http://openrico.org/rico/demos.page?demo=ricoAccordion.html
>         http://www.morfik.com/
> These contains pointers. These go back to a time when the AJAX hype was in
> its diapers. You can probably find many more by just searching the Web
> nowadays. Some others I have come across in mailing list threads.

Cheers Roy. I do a lot of User Interface C++ coding. What is quite
surprising is actually how little I know about how our own product works, I
seem to spend a *great* deal of my time fighting windows one way or another
to get things looking and working the way we want it to. I know a great
deal about our core API, but not necessarily how a lot of the 200+ buttons
work. :-)

I would like to do more web stuff, and this Google Web Toolkit and AJAX
might be a way of getting something nice up and running quite quickly.

Would certainly make a nice change from MS-Windows C++ programming.

If we get some miserable wet days (as seems likely :-( ) I'll have to check
it out in more detail.

Thanks :-)



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