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Re: [News] Ubuntu Gets Professional Packaging

__/ [ M ] on Sunday 21 May 2006 19:40 \__

> wd wrote:
>> On Sun, 21 May 2006 12:42:47 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> http://linux.wordpress.com/2006/05/20/ubuntu-goes-super-boxed/
>>> Gist:
>>>     * 4 DVDs
>>>     * A 300 pages printed manual "Ubuntu/Kubuntu * 60-days installation
>>>     support
>>>     * One eGroupWare account.
>>>     * An XL-size T-shirt with combined logos of Ubuntu and Open Source
>>>     Press.
>>> This is a package that is not free however.
>> It's unecessary, but packaging makes it more legitimate-looking for some
>> people.  The 60-day installation support is good for people who don't know
>> someone else who uses Linux.
>> You can also order nicely-packaged Ubuntu CDs for free directly from
>> http://www.ubuntu.com
> Unnecessary to those who know what they are doing or who have access to the
> internet and are happy to use it quite possible.
> For everyone else I would say that it is *very* necessary as you say it
> gives the impression of legitimacy and credibility. In corporate circles
> perception is often everything.
> If you where a Supermarket (or whatever) and sold Pre-installed PC's and
> gave this pack away with the PC then I see no reason why you could not go
> head to head with other OEM's selling Windows boxes.
> Obviously it would need to be in the local language.
> If linux is to become more widespread, this is the way to do it, and 49.95
> Euros (I think that was the price) is not exactly expensive.

Not if you consider the alternative/equivalent which costs over 500 Euros
(O/S, Office Suite, and Graphical toolkits, some of which could admittedly
run on merely all platforms).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    #00ff00 Day - Basket Case
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