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Re: Roy calm down man

cc wrote:

> flatfish+++ wrote:
>> On Fri, 03 Nov 2006 04:03:01 -0800, cc wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > Right, Roy spams the newsgroup and now he's an obnoxious traveller who
>> > deserved to have his luggage lost? Perfect logic again. Or maybe this
>> > was another one of your lame attempts at humor. Someone point out the
>> > part where it's funny for me. Stick to sucking DFS's dick, it's your
>> > strength.
>> No.
>> Roy has to have the last word with everything.
>> He is his own authority on every topic.
>> I guess you missed the part about the bar room brawl he was involved in
>> and how his attitude pissed off even the cops.
>> People are born like that, not made, and Roy is one of them.
>> His spamming the group is just an undertone to his narcissistic behavior.
>> His one upping posts with :that reminds me of.....etc is another clear
>> sign.
>> People like Roy should, and most often do, avoid interaction with real
>> people because although they may be intelligent, and I believe Roy is
>> intelligent, they lack the proper social skills to interact with other
>> people in a manner that does not piss the other people off.
>> So now all of a sudden his entire family has their luggage lost?
>> (Roy has to change the story because he knows what I wrote is true)
>> Do you know what the odds of that happening are?
> High.
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15235999/
> "Nearly 1 percent of all luggage worldwide is lost or mishandled,
> costing the airline industry an estimated $2.5 billion a year."
> I'm guessing alot more people than Roy lost their luggage that day.

My daughter was in Dallas and Arlington 3 weeks ago.
She was with a family friend who visited her parents
Both had "lost" their luggage when changing planes in Detroit
They got them 1 day later, delivered to Arlington.
It was an american airline, BTW

It's not about, 'Where do you want to go today?' It's more like,
'Where am I allowed to go today?'

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