On Fri, 03 Nov 2006 06:49:42 -0800, cc wrote:
> flatfish+++ wrote:
>> On Fri, 03 Nov 2006 04:03:01 -0800, cc wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > Right, Roy spams the newsgroup and now he's an obnoxious traveller who
>> > deserved to have his luggage lost? Perfect logic again. Or maybe this
>> > was another one of your lame attempts at humor. Someone point out the
>> > part where it's funny for me. Stick to sucking DFS's dick, it's your
>> > strength.
>> No.
>> Roy has to have the last word with everything.
>> He is his own authority on every topic.
>> I guess you missed the part about the bar room brawl he was involved in
>> and how his attitude pissed off even the cops.
>> People are born like that, not made, and Roy is one of them.
>> His spamming the group is just an undertone to his narcissistic behavior.
>> His one upping posts with :that reminds me of.....etc is another clear
>> sign.
>> People like Roy should, and most often do, avoid interaction with real
>> people because although they may be intelligent, and I believe Roy is
>> intelligent, they lack the proper social skills to interact with other
>> people in a manner that does not piss the other people off.
>> So now all of a sudden his entire family has their luggage lost?
>> (Roy has to change the story because he knows what I wrote is true)
>> Do you know what the odds of that happening are?
> High.
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15235999/
> "Nearly 1 percent of all luggage worldwide is lost or mishandled,
> costing the airline industry an estimated $2.5 billion a year."
> I'm guessing alot more people than Roy lost their luggage that day.
Of course they did.
Now what are the odds that an entire family lost their luggage, all on the
same flight?
You do realize the suitcases are not kept together, don't you?
>> They decrease significantly when the owner of said luggage is obnoxious
>> and that's a fact.
> You mean increase significantly I think, and while that may be true,
> lost airline luggage is not new.
Yes. Increase. Thanks for the correction.
No it's not new, and not uncommon, but all within one family?
Now things get interesting.
And BTW his lawsuit has no grounds.
He had better read the fine print on the back of his ticket.