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Re: COLA Stats 8 Oct 2006

On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 01:47:18 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ Linonut ] on Monday 09 October 2006 01:41 \__
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Tim Smith belched out this bit o' wisdom:
>>> In article <-pqdnRsttudizLTYnZ2dnUVZ_vednZ2d@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>>  Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Maybe.  What I see happening is an influx of even crazier Wintrolls.  If
>>>> they aren't playing a game, then I say we have some pretty strange
>>>> anti-Linux posters here.
>>> The group is in effect a Windows discussion group, so this is not
>>> surprising.
>> You seem to be confusing cause and effect here.
>>> Half the posts, or more, have nothing to do with Linux.
>> I, for one, would prefer more talk of the glories of Linux.  But too
>> many here want to trash it in order to boost Windows.  And many cannot
>> resist arguing back.  I know I cannot, most of the time.
>> Then again, part of the charter here is to attract the nuisances from
>> other newsgroups.
> Hadron,
> I see what you write to me when people reply. It's repugnant. For that you
> deserve some ASCII art.
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> Grow up or start speaking about ideas rather than about people, character and
> rants against them. Additionally, use your peabrain to realise it's a Linux
> advocacy group. Bahave accordingly.

The true advocate speaks.

What an a-hole you are Roy.
No wonder you aggravate the police so much they don't take your claims
seriously when you got involved in that brawl in the bar.

BTW all your Microsoft bashing is NOT Linux advocacy and if there is
anyone more off topic in this group, at least based upon quantity, it's

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