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Re: [News] 64-Bit Windows Vista - Not What Microsoft Had Promised

__/ [ Tim Smith ] on Thursday 07 September 2006 18:43 \__

> In article <1203212.TmOl2Gd49L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> No, *one* anonymous person says that 30-50% of EA's systems died, which
>>> EA says is incorrect.  If the failure rate were 30% or more, there would
>>> be hundreds of independent sources for this.
>> When Microsoft keeps lying about its products, it's hard to find a
>> reliable source. It is, after all, Microsoft that ships these, as well as
>> absorbs the
> If the failure rate were 30%, there would be a lot more complaints than
> there are.  There would be stories about it, with multiple independent
> sources, in dozens of different gaming publications.  Yet all we have is
> one anonymous source.

And a four-liner from Tim Smith which offers no backing.

Mainstream 'media' is controlled by people whose wage is financed by
sponsors. A paper that does not praise Microsoft will have a giant retaliate
and intimidate. And don't forget that author are people with interests and
various friends in industry. What intersts would EA have? None.

Can Mac OS X and Vista catch up? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYjv0S_k0xo
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/6                         Thu Sep  7 13:40 - 13:47  (00:06)    
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