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Re: [News] Ubuntu+Enlightenment (Ebuntu) Project on Its Way

__/ [ yttrx ] on Wednesday 06 September 2006 19:47 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Ebuntu
>> Enlightenment Ubuntu Project
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Currently there is no project release yet.
>> | But you can use the ELive CD.
>> `----
>> http://www.ebuntu.org/
>> So there's GNOME (Ubuntu, Edubuntu), KDE (Kubuntu), Fluxbox (nUbuntu,
>> Fluxbuntu), XFCE (Xubuntu), and now Enlightenment (Ebuntu). I'm sure there
>> are more Ubuntu forks (any FVWM-based Ubuntu?), including mainstream
>> distributions like Mepis, which use Ubuntu as the 'root'.
> No matter what anyone says, enlightenment is a dead project.  Rasterman is
> long gone, and the dipshits involved in its "development" now have been
> "developing" DR17 for three years.
> Its a stupid idea for an ubuntu.

But one can mix and match to get the best of several worlds, I suspect.
Aragorn once said that GNOME can Sawfish, Enlightenment, windowmaker, or
whatever else. I am not very familiar with these (I entered the Linux world
when GNOME and KDE ~2 existed), so it didn't make sense to me at the time.
Could a user, for example, give up kwin easily? Overall, as a visual
environment, I have always fancied Enlightenment the most. KDE is more
usable and effective though. It's a toolbox, not a DE. *smile*

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