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Re: Is Windows Vista Just Windows 9x Underneath?

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:10108380.HO4GG2qCGr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dismissal will only come when Microsoft 'reproduces' (or 'innovates') wobbly
Windows and virtual desktops, among other things.

Like IPv6...

Like more sophisticated linkage...

I agree. When Linux does something, the Linux advocates love it. When Microsoft does the exact same thing, Microsoft gets criticized. That's a double standard.

Face the fact that visual appearance in Vista was always said to be a Mac OS
X ripoff (the colours evolved over time to hide this, but it's evident in
Longhorn builds). And /that's/ why we yawn.

I don't think anyone is asking you to get excited over Vista. I'm just asking you not to lie about Vista. As I've written in another thread, lying about Vista hurts your credibility and weakens the Linux advocacy message.

While Linux played catch-up in the early nineties, it leads the way to most
nowadays. All the competent and creative programmers flock to open source.
Dull features are meanwhile being mimicked by undermotivates programmer who
work in a cubicle hoping to make a quick back before software licensing
becomes a dead legacy.

Well, at least now you're admitting that these features exist in Vista. We're making progress. =)

- Oliver

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