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Re: Is Windows Vista Just Windows 9x Underneath?

__/ [ chrisv ] on Wednesday 20 September 2006 15:31 \__

> Larry Qualig wrote:
>>Oliver Wong wrote:
>>>     So do you disagree that these features are interesting? Do you think
>>> IPv6 or symbolic links are uninteresting? Do you ever use symbolic links
>>> on your machine? I suspect that you do. Even if you didn't know anything
>>> about Linux, just a basic install of Linux probably automatically creates
>>> symbolic links somewhere on your disk, right? So if nothing else, they
>>> are at least *useful*.
>>I find it amusing how some people dismiss these and other features in
>>Vista as worthless and uninteresting yet these very same people are the
>>ones who jump up-and-down in joy when XGL announces "Wobbly Menus."
>>(Note - There was an entire COLA topic on the benefits of "Wobbly
>>Menus" in XGL.)
> Please provide evidence that the "same people" are doing what you
> claim.
> Some people like eye candy, others could not care less.
> It's an old and moldy troll tactic to take the opinions of one person,
> and the opposing opinion of another person, and claim that there is
> "hypocrisy" on the part of advocates.

Dismissal will only come when Microsoft 'reproduces' (or 'innovates') wobbly
Windows and virtual desktops, among other things.

Like IPv6...

Like more sophisticated linkage...

Face the fact that visual appearance in Vista was always said to be a Mac OS
X ripoff (the colours evolved over time to hide this, but it's evident in
Longhorn builds). And /that's/ why we yawn.

While Linux played catch-up in the early nineties, it leads the way to most
nowadays. All the competent and creative programmers flock to open source.
Dull features are meanwhile being mimicked by undermotivates programmer who
work in a cubicle hoping to make a quick back before software licensing
becomes a dead legacy.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "This sig seemed like a good idea at the time..."
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