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Re: My first killfile entry

On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 20:09:23 +0000 (UTC)
thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > 
> > I can't see what's worse about Roy taking a cutting from the article
> > and posting it here. He's doing them a favour. Google sees the URL
> > in the COLA group and up the page rank goes, google rates all links
> > in COLA very highly, this is the technical hub and meeting place for
> > the world.
> I would mostly agree with that... except your description of COLA.
> Really, usenet advocacy groups are the catch basins of the Internet
> sewer system; they exists to snare the trolls and zealots and keep 
> them safely clear of the real technical forums.
> And, yes, it is with some sense of irony that I post that to COLA.

We're on the same wave length, I did have doubts about my cynical jests
being misinterpreted for my actual thoughts.

Regards, Ed                      :: http://s5h.net/qf
just another c++ person
Vin Diesel once traded his patent on sliced bread for a Tony Robbins 
decoder ring. Sauron was really pissed. 

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