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Re: Microsoft Fixed only 2 out of 22 Vulnerabilities Discovered in July

After takin' a swig o' grog, Hot Lemonade belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> >>
>> >> http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/20060929/tc_pcworld/127336
>> >>
>> >> About a week ago Microsoft received a price for excellence in security or
>> >> for being trustworthy (I can't recall exactly). It was the US government
>> >> that granted it, AFAICR.
>> >
>> > You're shittin' us!
> What surveys? Every survey I have seen show that Microsoft is one of
> most trusted and respected company in world. What survey are you
> talking about? The one where you ask Mark Kunt and he agree with you.
> That is not a real survey boy.


   Apple, Bose, Dell Lead In Brand Trust, Microsoft Dead Last

   In annual survey by Forrester Research Inc. only Apple and Tivo buck
   an overall decline in in trust, while Microsoft faces faces "big
   consumer defection risk."

   By Gregg Keizer
   TechWeb News

   Apr 3, 2006 11:30 AM

   "Tricorder readings indicate the presence of hot bitches, Captain."

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