B Gruff wrote:
> On Saturday 30 September 2006 13:41 Hot Lemonade wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> __/ [ Linonut ] on Friday 29 September 2006 22:10 \__
>>>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit
>>>> o' wisdom:
>>>>> Windows Bugs Still Not Patched
>>>>> ,----[ Excerpt ]
>>>>>> PC World - Two months after hacker HD Moore publicly disclosed 22
>>>>>> bugs, only two have been fixed.
>>>>> `----
>>>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/20060929/tc_pcworld/127336
>>>>> About a week ago Microsoft received a price for excellence in
>>>>> security or for being trustworthy (I can't recall exactly). It
>>>>> was the US government that granted it, AFAICR.
>>>> You're shittin' us!
>>> Yeah, I spent 5 minutes trying to find it in browser history (to no
>>> avail). It was as ridiculous as you would expect. They picked up an
>>> award (ignore the price/prize typos) for trust. Surveys shows that
>>> Microsoft has declined to be one of the least trusted companies
>>> according to public view, which makes one wonder...
>> What surveys? Every survey I have seen show that Microsoft is one of
>> most trusted and respected company in world. What survey are you
>> talking about? The one where you ask Mark Kunt and he agree with you.
>> That is not a real survey boy.
> Start here:-
> http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060330-6491.html
> From that, you will see that the link is to Forrester - no doubt not
> as well-respected as yourself or Microsoft when it comes to doing
> surveys, but quite well-known nevertheless.
> http://www.forrester.com/Research/Document/Excerpt/0,7211,38694,00.html
Mr Gruff, you're excused for inadvertently overlooking this statement on
that link:
"Microsoft, Sony, Panasonic, and HP have the highest brand adoption"
I'm sure it was unintentional.
"Though anti-Microsoft sentiment often runs high, the Millward Brown study
showed most consumers hold positive feelings about the brand.
Andy Farr, executive director at Millward Brown Optimor and lead researcher
on the study, said: "When you look at what customers and consumers say to
us, they do hold Microsoft in high regard."
He added: "They don't love [Microsoft] like they love Google but they
respect it."
And how about I quote a blog? Lots of cola idiots quote blogs.
Top ten reasons why Microsoft is a good citizen
It keeps going...
"The World's Most Admired CEOs of 2005; Microsoft's Bill Gates Named Most
Admired Global Leader in Burson-Marsteller's New Reputation Survey"
...and going...
...and going: