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Re: [Roy Schestowitz Lies Again] Company Dumps .NET Software, Finds Happiness in Open Source (was: [News] Company Dumps .NET Software, Finds Happiness in Open Source)

On 2007-04-08, AB <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> On 2007-04-07, Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 15:25:38 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Open source SplendidCRM a sweet alternative for ".Net-centric" SAAS provider
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| Now that he's gained some practical experience with an open source
>>>| application, Schepis says he'd use it again. "So long as there's
>>>| existing knowledge, or an easy way to get up to speed, there's no
>>>| difference between using open source and commercial. Actually, there's
>>>| an additional benefit, because you have access to the source and
>>>| the licensing fees are much lower. Just make sure you set your
>>>| expectations in line with the experience level of the people who
>>>| are going to implement it for you."
>>> `----
>>> http://www.itmanagersjournal.com/feature/22363
>> You are such a fucking liar, Roy.  Jesus.
> Where did Roy lie?

I forgot. The original title of the article:

   Open source SplendidCRM a sweet alternative for ".Net-centric" SAAS

Certainly implies they were getting away from Dot NYET.

Here's what the company says about their own product:

   SplendidCRM Software, Inc. has released SplendidCRM Professional 1.3
   and SplendidCRM Open-Source 1.3, Customer Relationship Management
   (CRM) applications licensed in part under the "SugarCRM Public
   License 1.1.3".


I'll leave the rest intact just in case your ISP deleted the other one.
Like they alwyas have in the past.

> And did you find where he lied in the last one in which you called him
> a liar? I gave up on that thread because I guessed your ISP was
> deleting the posts that call you on things again. But here's another
> opportunity to correct yourself.

It's a shame Linux has such difficulty running some of the more popular
Windows applications: Nimda, CodeRed, Klez, ILOVEYOU, WPA, Swen,
SoBig, Beagle, Sober, Mydoom, NetSky, Bagle, Drivus, Randex.

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