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Re: [Roy Schestowitz Lies Again] Company Dumps .NET Software, Finds Happiness in Open Source

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Maverick
on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 17:16:01 -0600
> Tim Smith wrote:
>> In article <gOidnb3t1IXwxrjbnZ2dnUVZ_v7inZ2d@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>  Maverick <Sun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>Tim Smith wrote:
>>>>On 2007-04-16, Maverick <Sun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>No, they didn't dump the .NET software, but converted to an Open Source 
>>>>>approach to a .NET-centric version.
>>>>>So it is all a matter of viewpoint isn't it.
>>>>>They dumped anything used by MS tools to make .NET software and used an 
>>>>>open source methodology instead.  By using this approach they eliminated 
>>>>>the M$ tax.  And that is really the jist of the whole thing.
>>>>    "SplendidCRM was built on the Microsoft technology stack (Windows,
>>>>    IIS, SQL Server, C#, and ASP.NET)."
>>>According to the article it is built using open source tools.
>>>"SplendidCRM Software, Inc. has released SplendidCRM Professional 1.3 
>>>and SplendidCRM Open-Source 1.3, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 
>>>applications licensed in part under the "SugarCRM Public License 1.1.3". "
>>>Looks like again you need to take remedial reading classes.
>> WTF are you talking about?  That part you quoted doesn't say anything 
>> about how it is built.  It talks about its license.
>> As for how it is built, you can read about it yourself, on the 
>> SplendidCRM website:
>>    "SplendidCRM was built on the Microsoft technology stack (Windows,
>>     IIS, SQL Server, C#, and ASP.NET)."
>> Is it your contention that the authors of SplendidCRM don't know how it 
>> is built?
> Christ your thick.  Do you really think that open source software was 
> written using MS software?  It is open source... PERIOD.
> You can keep lying all you want, but it won't make it come true.

The two concepts aren't exactly connected.  True, SplendidCRM is
open source -- but it could have been developed using Microsoft tools,
and probably was, if


is any indication; near the bottom they suggest

    "Copy deployment refers to a .NET application that is
    built on one platform, such as Windows, and copied to
    another platform, such as Linux."

which is pretty clear which one came first, if one makes
the obvious substitution of "application" = "SplendidCRM".

I can't prove it, of course.  But that's the promise of .NET
(not unlike the promise of Java bytecode, before it, though).

Of course, SplendidCRM could also be built or rebuilt using
Mono, if everything's in the right place.  (Since they
suggest the module can run under Mono, they've probably did
a little work eliminating Windows-specific CLR elements.)

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Linux.  The choice of a GNU generation.
Windows.  The choice of a bunch of people who like very weird behavior on
a regular basis, random crashes, and "extend, embrace, and extinguish".

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