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Re: Attn: Hadron, DFS, Tim Smith etc You Were Right.

  • Subject: Re: Attn: Hadron, DFS, Tim Smith etc You Were Right.
  • From: Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 00:43:44 +0200
  • Bytes: 3282
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:MJochB2+Ax36zxTNXahMtzpWlSc= sha1:Ab+kCJY5qpIeMCqvqTPyOCZxLPk=
  • Face: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwBAMAAAClLOS0AAAAGFBMVEUPDQ1bVEeWcSHosxDD ojimpJ76+vnczqjhNce/AAAACXBIWXMAAABIAAAASABGyWs+AAAB6UlEQVQ4y22UvW4TQRDHf7P2 paG4vSTuDwMlQgJRUfiIEC22gqnT2G/AcySU4AJTX4EfgMI8AMISdRTTEpRdu/MHWYq9r/g8zWr3 d/+Z2ZnZU8PCBv1+uRkqcnOjNB3ZYlsAGQEu1TWwBhB3UQOhXzY1MAZwOL0LcpvXQAQSwbQGhl15 PyiVBQg+CX8+d7E1hUPbv3sUL5Jf7cXBtA6mzZDl4z2K5CeAxu2/h2VbD251dEQQ6t0Yz5wT3dvY i7vALQ5Pj56GzaKMOdgcMMcgGmerQMZvXBQBZzCpghU6T4u1roCxeCAt4EMJNjBHQG5/a1iVwNDS OHASdr2/IqskW6WFD+/BJMhbzVLA5cAhZWVC2OZgSyGApKIwnO0WGQXIpOg0EJe1Wlc95YPls1pQ MwXQ1vruaexBI7r/pTj7MQMBFBJdIasiuo6hMQPF5TcLcf5iBAtPLCi5Ami6cw9urWo/QED5VF28 8c4OtWjNVhfV1dn838wR4Dsqe0KNoAtA6i++nSnJbnoCwD2bpZeof1k61xbk+jyrjlRGNE3Tj1+z xjRPrJIw+8gZA7g50OxYlDx/6YwFS9SLelHkENOxoDDLR6cuNOZdv9Vv9bvW3DzMp8QtXmnz2jsM EoK47AfHg+yXwfHbDgD/AWsIohF8qgD0AAAAGnpUWHRKUEVHLUNvbG9yc3BhY2UAAHjaMwIAADMA MxEWfmMAAAAqelRYdEpQRUctU2FtcGxpbmctZmFjdG9ycwAAeNozqjDSMaww1DGsMAQAEYMC6QbE yigAAAAASUVORK5CYII=
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark
  • References: <fasebm$m1g$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <1188163489.755524.55040@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <1377712.VIliohg5PH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <1188166976.006660.98570@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/23.0.0 (gnu/linux)
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:554328
flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> If you have a strong stomach you can go here:
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/5aa9bbd2a2ac3bf2?hl=en&;

Crikey. Someone does have a rather nasty sense of humour. But you'd have
to be made of stone not to giggle a little bit at this ... (I have
snipped the really offensive Comments that "Roy" makes about his tackle
being removed and being unable to jack off multiple times a day without

| The most exciting event has happened in my life!
| Mark Kent has proposed to me and as soon as he leaves his wife and
| family we are to be married.
| Of course we are going to have the wedding at Manchester University
| where I live and we hope to have the invitations out by the fall.
| I am a bit worried about supporting ourselves on Mark Kent's dustman's
| salary but with a little creative accounting I should be able to
| funnel some of my grant money toward living expenses.
| I also have my website where I am getting plenty of hits due to my
| posting in comp.os.linux.advocacy. 

No one really believes Roy admitted all this of course, but it is good

And just for the record - No, I don't approve of faking posts. As
someone did from me recently. And you know you who are.

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