After takin' a swig o' grog, Tim Smith belched out this bit o' wisdom:
> In article <pan.2007.>,
> Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 16:51:19 -0500, mlw wrote:
>> > Well, it is a problem for anyone who wishes to use this group in the way it
>> > was intended under usenet.
>> Can't see that, myself. Killfile the NEWS and poof! there goes your
>> problem.
> Google doesn't have killfiles. Roys spam makes it very hard for anyone
> searching for advocacy information to find any in this group.
No, he doesn't.
Certainly, the trolls make the largest contribution to hiding the
advocacy of Linux.
"Developers! Developers! Developers!" -- Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft