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Re: [Rival] Windows Zombies Keep Slaughtering E-mail

____/ Mark Kent on Monday 30 July 2007 20:42 : \____

> nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> My wife has a hotmail account.  I keep trying to get her to switch,
>> but she refuses.  At the same time, she has been complaining for at
>> least two years that she never receives this or that email.
>> Systematically from a certain email list service for parents of young
>> children.  Yesterday the people that send out the mailings told her
>> that hotmail does not allow their messages to go through.  They don't
>> know why.  Recommended soution:  Switch to gmail.  Maybe this will get
>> her to switch.
> Advice is often so much more convincing when offered by a complete
> stranger, in my experience.
I never received those photos. He did not resend. Knowing my grandfather, he
sat there for a long time preparing a message. Microsoft just decided it was
trash worthy. Thanks for that, Bill Gates. See reference to 2004 Davos World
Economic Forum in the OP. He sent me that message from a place not far from
Davos and apparently the Beast has now taken over the world. I think that 100
billion SPAM per day is currently the right figure (roughly). You can't do
this without Windows zombies.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Error, no keyboard - press F1 to continue"
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