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Re: [Rival] Windows Zombies Keep Slaughtering E-mail

____/ waterskidoo on Tuesday 31 July 2007 03:17 : \____

> On 2007-07-30, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> ____/ Mark Kent on Monday 30 July 2007 20:42 : \____
>> I never received those photos. He did not resend. Knowing my grandfather, he
>> sat there for a long time preparing a message. Microsoft just decided it was
>> trash worthy. Thanks for that, Bill Gates. See reference to 2004 Davos World
>> Economic Forum in the OP. He sent me that message from a place not far from
>> Davos and apparently the Beast has now taken over the world. I think that
>> 100 billion SPAM per day is currently the right figure (roughly). You can't
>> do this without Windows zombies.
> The last time I had a Hotmail account, I had nothing but troubles with it.
> From undeliverable mail, to mail that *I* sent which would bounce
> several times before going through. I finally gave up and went to
> Yahoo, which lately seems to be slowing down and filling the interface
> with all kinds of fluff.

I haven't used Yahoo Mail in about 6 years and I don't think that old account
is even alive anymore. The expiry concept emerged some time later, which is
probably the result of SPAM that filled up unused boxes. The down side of this
is quite a disturbing one. Some people who do not check their mail regularly
are forced to log in (and be fed some ads) while on holiday. Some of them lose
entire boxes with unread mail simply because they forgot to log in. I think
that my mom was a victim of such loss.

I spoke to my sister the other day and it turns out that my mom is looking for
a new E-mail provider/domain. I was going to host one on a personal domain,
but then I fear becoming the E-mail support person (I no longer need to dread
helping with Windows), so I suggested the use of GMail.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Windows Vistaster: Newly-coined Windows MEstake
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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