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Re: Digg spurns Google for young Microsoft ..

On 2007-07-28, Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In article <1hul39jxe5u6h$.dlg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> The truly disturbing part, and the part that showcases Roy's
>> obsessive/compulsive nature is that he actually *knows* this.  He tracks
>> everything that happens with his posts, anywhere he goes.  I'm certain he
>> keeps a database of all this, along with his "lists" of those that are out
>> to get him.
> Consider that Roy says that there are one or more people who dig down 
> his comments on Digg, which number about 50 comments a day.  According 
> to Roy, the amount of time and effort it would take to do that is such 
> that it must be someone being paid.

Aren;t you assuming it's a single person?
Is there any easy way to tell who is digging down comments?
I know very little about how digg works.

> But it is a lot more time and effort to write and post 50 comments a day 
> than it is to find them and dig them down.  Therefore, BY ROY'S OWN 
> ARGUMENT, Roy must be being paid to comment.

You make a point but I think both of you would have a difficult
time proving people are being paid to digg.
Some people collect stamps, Roy's hobby seems to be advocating
Linux. What's so bad about that?

> If he's paid for it, it's not that disturbing that he keeps stats.

Is there any proof that Roy keeps a database with this information?
The original comment says "I'm certain that he keeps a database
of all this". That isn't proof.

::Devil's advocate post on:::

Also by the same token, you and Hadron following him around seems 
to be a little bit odd as well.
Why the fascination?
Are you guys being paid to discredit Roy?
Why not just score his posts down if they irritate you so much?

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