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Re: COLA change to IWUA - Idiot With Useless Analogy (winmonkey)

raylopez99 wrote:
On Jun 24, 7:24 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
____/ ml2mst on Sunday 24 June 2007 14:47 : \____

Just ignore/filter the trolls altogether. Replying to them is not the answer,
no matter how strong your counter-argument is.

Why, so we can just see your 24/7 spam Boy Toy Roy?  Fits your agenda,
don't it?

Linux bashing does not belong
in a Linux advocacy newsgroup.

That's the raison d'etre of this newsgroup, nutjob--advocacy.  What a
loon you are.

If anything, such trolling is indicative of
fear. Those who jump over the picket fence to discredit Linux are 20th century


Oooh!  Roy can use Wikipedia!  Making progress daily his doctors say.

You must mean "luttites" as in "This means that the time for Linux has come as luttites resort to attacks."

Roy is my beyotch.

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