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Re: Foresight Linux Live CD

__/ [ Kier ] on Saturday 10 March 2007 12:11 \__

> On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 11:33:20 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Kier ] on Saturday 10 March 2007 11:04 \__
>>> So, worth a look? On balance, yes. All it cost me was a longish torrent
>>> download, a CD and a couple of reboots. And if you haven't looked at
>>> Gnome lately and want to see what it's about, there are worse ways to
>>> check it out.
>> To be fair, it's a development release (and the first of its kind). I
>> think it was only announced a couple of days ago and the Web site hides it
>> (trust me, I tried to find it, but maybe it was just mentioned somewhere
>> in the mailing list/s and DW).
> I saw the announcement on Distrowatch, and followed the link. It's not so
> hard to find, leastways I found it easily enough. Took a while to torrent,
> though, because it's not in huge demand. But I didn't mind waiting - was
> asleep/at work while it downloaded anyway.
> Given its newness, I though it worked very well. I may hoof over to the
> website and see if anyone has reported similar faults with it. Faults can
> be remedied, once they know they're there.

You seem to be the first one to review this live CD (other than the
developers who said absolutely nothing about it). Maybe you can contribute
reviews to DWW or start a Web site.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "On the eighth day, God created UNIX"
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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