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Re: Free/OS Software Encourages Software to Improve, Cutomers Honoured

On Mar 10, 8:09 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> __/ [ Linonut ] on Saturday 10 March 2007 13:09 \__
> > After takin' a swig o' grog, Reporter belched out this bit o' wisdom:
> >> Open Source means you are a Geek who spits in the faces of your
> >> customers. You whine about Microsoft predatory practices then impugn
> >> your credibility by claiming Microsoft has no market share.  Your
> >> documents take forever to download from the internet.  The dates,
> >> scope, and applicability of your documentation is vague and
> >> inconsistent.  You beat your chest, hang from a tree by one hand, and
> >> eat your banana.  You are a zoo exhibit.
> > Just wanted to note something, though I only see your posts by proxy.
> > You are a continually self-nuking poster.
> > Carry on.
> Let's just not feed them. The only trolls that still stand on their feet (or
> fins) do so because they receive attention and successfully provoke. There's
> inertia here. When the group has no anti-Linux audience, there's neither
> encouragement nor incentive to conitnue. Together, as a majority, we can
> force the trolls out. Nobody like a tough crowd.
> --
>                 ~~ Best wishes
> Roy S. Schestowitz      | Data lacking semantics is currency in an islandhttp://Schestowitz.com |  RHAT GNU/Linux   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
>   1:02pm  up 1 day 21:09,  5 users,  load average: 1.55, 1.35, 1.04
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