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Re: [News] Has Microsoft Given Up on Windows? No Patches At All for 0-Day Vulnerabilities!

__/ [ Jerry McBride ] on Friday 09 March 2007 22:44 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Microsoft takes a 'Patch Tuesday' break
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Microsoft has no new security updates planned for Tuesday, despite
>> | at least five zero-day vulnerabilities that are waiting to be fixed.
>> `----
> ---snip---
> Dude, Roy, whatever you may or may not read... I'll wager that Microsoft
> simply can't keep up with all the bugs..........
> Case closed...

Here we have bugs that are critical and known about. They use DST as an
excuse and declare victory amid a failure. What would you think if you
adminned Exchange servers which thousands of employees rely on? I have seen
our local Exchange server getting b0rked by a virus that eliminated the
whole box... and I sometimes see the folks working weekends, either
'patching' of 'fixing' stuff. It's something we all pay for. But should we?
Only one side benefits from this financially. Other waste their lives
working overtime.

I know I may be ranting and venting frustrating quite often, but being a
non-US resident I just know that the world is being ripped off (time, money,
mood) while somebody pretends there's "nothing to see here, please move

Microsoft : Arrogance leads to Vulnerability

,----[ Quote ]
| Chatting with the Microsoft senior sales people, I was struck by
| their incredible arrogance. They know the company?s products are good,
| but they have no qualms whatsoever about charging top dollar as a
| result.
| It reminds us how Microsoft used to behave when it comes to their
| products' security records. IE5 and 6 were nothing short of being
| proper Swiss Cheese with loads of holes in them but hey, they had 95%
| of the browser market at that time and couldn't care less.


                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux: just set it and forget about it
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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