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Re: [News] Has Microsoft Given Up on Windows? No Patches At All for 0-Day Vulnerabilities!

Mark Kent wrote:
AB <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx> espoused:
On 2007-03-09, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
Microsoft takes a 'Patch Tuesday' break

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has no new security updates planned for Tuesday, despite
| at least five zero-day vulnerabilities that are waiting to be fixed.


This is truly shocking. And here's a good quote that warns of exactly that
sort of thing:
   The patch break could be a welcome respite for IT managers still
   busy testing the dozen fixes Microsoft released last month. Also,
   many IT pros may be occupied with the switch to daylight saving
   time, which at the behest of Congress, is happening three weeks
   earlier this year.  Many computer systems don't have that change
   programmed in and require patching.

It may be a "welcome respite" for some. Tell people how lucky they are
to have unpatched zero-day exploits sitting on their machines so MS can
retool its marketing machine again, though. I'd see the clock as being
something that is a little less worrisome.

Isn't it amazing how Microsoft have managed to spin this whole security patching thing. Now they're trying to make a virtue from their own failure to actually /fix/ the problems they presently have...

I'm going to elucidate a parallel here with the so-called "problem of evil" (theodicy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodicy) and Microsoft's patching, OneCare, etc.

Essentially, you've got a problem in that evil (bugs, viruses, etc.) exist despite the good efforts of an "omnipotent" and "omniscient" operating system (Vista). Your choices to explain the cognitive dissonance, disconnect, etc. must necessarily distill into a few known categories:

1) God doesn't exist as stated (Vista is buggy).
2) Evil (bugs) doesn't come from God, it comes from something external (hackers, etc.) and somehow beyond God's omnipotent control.
If so, then you need to explain why an omnipotent God (Vista) still allows for BSOD's, malware, etc.

And so on...

Of course the "problem of evil" persists after 2,000 years of trying to solve it. There is no conceivable answer in the abstract (beyond time/space) that solves problems in the present here&now anyway.

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